Saturday, January 25, 2020

Stop the Killing: Pass Gun Control Legislation Now Essay -- Argumentat

A study by the Center for Disease Control (CDC) found that the rate of firearm death of children 14 and under is nearly twelve times higher in the U.S. than in 25 other industrialized nations. When comparing the high U.S. gun murder rate to that of other nations, it is vital to realize that the U.S. is also unique in one other relevant way: lax gun ownership restrictions. Almost all industrialized nations have more stringent regulations on weapons possession than the United States, and not surprisingly, all of them have a lower murder rate. Many people are finally beginning to recognize the rather significant correlation between high firearm murder rates and high accessibility of guns. Although an overwhelming majority of Americans recognize the need for stricter gun control laws (including 80 percent polled in New Jersey this year), conflict still exists, especially in the world of politics. Many politicians still insist that gun control is not the answer to gun violence, echoing th e sentiments of Republican Presidential frontrunner George W. Bush, who blames recent firearm-related deaths not on guns but on "a wave of evil passing through America." What they must realize is that while there may be some "evil" involved, malevolent intentions are harmless in the absence of the sufficient means to execute them. Guns provide these means, and the results are unfortunately instantaneous and irreversible. Fact: In 1997 alone, 32,436 Americans were killed with firearms.   This is about 1,000 fewer than the number of Americans killed in the Korean War and more than half the number killed in Vietnam. Fact: In 1997, over 11 children and teens (ages 19 and under) were killed with guns each and every day in the U.S. Fact: Guns kept... ...antage of this opportunity have been few and weak, immeasurably affected by the money and lobbying of the socially irresponsible NRA. If Congresspersons either refused to submit to NRA pressures or passed stricter campaign finance rules, there is no limit to the progress that could be made. Background checks at gun shows would be only the beginning of the beginning. There could be a licensing system for all gun owners. There could be even stricter limits on who can own a gun. After all, 90 percent of adult murderers have a previous adult criminal record; how about preventing anyone with a criminal record from owning a gun? There is no limit to what can be done, but as for now, we are at a standstill. There are still many kinds of assault weapons for legal sale. It is up to us to do everything we can to force Congress to do what it was meant to do: serve the people.

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Field Of Academic Literacy Development Education Essay

Two articles related to academic literacy development where chosen as the topics for analysis, as academic literacy development is a nucleus research involvement of mine. This is due mostly, to the hapless state-of-affairs of instruction in South Africa. The purpose of this appraising survey was to foreground both strengths and failings of both articles in an effort to derive a better apprehension of good research in the field of academic literacy development. Both articles were chosen due to their relevancy in my field of involvement. Article one was chosen as it was written by the laminitis of the ‘Reading to Learn: Learning to Read teaching method, while article two was chosen as it conducted similar research to mine within the same university context. A structured ‘article literacy checklist ‘ was used as a starting point for the critical rating. However, due to terrible word restrictions, non all of the checkpoints were discussed in this assignment. It was foun d that both articles differed in footings of their strengths and failings. For illustration, article one was strong in footings of its clear account of the methodological analysis, consequences and findings whereas article two was strong in its literature reappraisal. In add-on, article two showed some weaknesss in its attack to the sampling process. Both article one and two make usage of a descriptive and process rubric. They both describe what the article will be approximately and place clearly that an account of the procedure involved will be included. However, article one goes one measure farther by set uping that the article is non merely a description, but besides an rating ; thereby, supplying excess information to inform the audience about its relevancy to their country of involvement. Contrastingly, article two, seems to go forth out this information. Possibly this is due to the fact that the writers ‘ focal point of the article was more about the existent programme and non the appraising facet of its efficaciousness? Nevertheless, a reference of this could hold been included in the rubric to better inform the reader of its relevancy to those looking for a description and rating of the procedure of scaffolded attacks to reading and composing seeing as an rating was conducted.IntroductionIntroductions, or opening st atements to any research article serve to introduce the reader to the context and nature of the job to be investigated ( Darley, Zanna & A ; Roediger, 2003 ) . This is achieved perceptibly good in both articles as the writers provide a elaborate apprehension of the context of their research and the state of affairs that their participants find themselves located in ( crisis ) . Furthermore, the demand for such a survey is highlighted. However, merely article one provides penetration into the more complex descriptions of the existent research methodological analysis and consequences. Furthermore, unlike article two, non merely does article one clearly specify what is to be realized within the article, but it besides skillfully leads the reader from ‘familiar ‘ nomenclature to the more ‘unfamiliar ‘ proficient linguistic communication. ( Darley et al, 2003 ) . Sing as most research is job driven, both articles ‘ debuts like an expert highlight a crisis in instruction ( deficiency of expressed instruction and composing ) and both point to a similar blank ( an absence/gap in pedagogic attacks in rectifying this crisis ) .AbstractionBoth articles have an abstract and are easy decoded. However, article one seems to supply a more in-depth abstract than article two, as article two leaves out any reference of an appraising facet within the paper. In add-on, article two does non supply any keywords, which is a critical constituent of being able to recover information electronically.Research GoalsBoth articles clearly province that the research article undertook to research a new/different attack to learning academic literacy development. In add-on, the end of both articles was to explicate a state of affairs found in a certain context ( hapless pupils ‘ literacy development ) and to prove the efficaciousness of the pedagogic attack adopted. However, this was overtly stated in article one and non in article two.Literature ReviewAn of i mport principle for a literature reappraisal is the demand to explicate a proposal for your research you intend to set about and convert your reader that your research is of import ( Hart, 1998 ) . Furthermore, harmonizing to Hart ( 1998 ) , the assessment of literature for your research provides a strong practical proof for your research and demonstrates an apprehension of your subject at manus. This is really clearly demonstrated in article two which combines a thorough probe into the theory of scaffolding scholars reading and composing and an application of that theory to the South African context ( Vygotsky, larning as a societal procedure, Cummins BICS and CALP and so forth ) . The sourcing of other research in article two ‘s literature reappraisal besides provides academic burdening to their research. Contrasting article two, is article one, which still provides a literature reappraisal in its ‘context and intent of the research ‘ subdivision, but from a some what different point of position. Sing as Dr David Rose is one of the establishing authors/researchers in the ‘Reading to Learn: Learning to Read methodological analysis, it is no surprise that there appears to be less mentioning of other old surveies in literacy development. Alternatively, his literature reappraisal seems to stem from his personal surveies of 25 old ages of experience in researching hapless literacy degrees of non-native talkers.Sampling and Research DesignSampling can be a instead combative issue as many research workers disagree in their procedure of choosing their sample units from the broader population and this may make every bit controversial arguments as to whether their findings can be generalized, or seen as accurate ( Trochim, 2006 ) . This is apparent in article two which used a non-random sampling process and involved inadvertent /convenience sampling. Harmonizing to Bouma and Ling ( 2004 ) this involves a survey of a population that is instantly available. The writers of article two used the full cohort of Science Access pupils at the University of KwaZulu-Natal ( UKZN ) . An advantage of utilizing this sampling process could associate to its simpleness ( needed small attempt ) , and an relief of issues related to statistical dependability ( Field, 2009 ) . After all, the greater the sample size, the smaller the standard mistake in your findings! However, Bouma and Ling ( 2004 ) clearly province that inadvertent sampling may non supply a clear representation of the larger population of which you are seeking to pull out valuable information from. For illustration, research in the field of literacy development in South Africa needs to impact upon, and assistance ALL disadvantaged scholars, from vastly differing contexts. Students from destitute backgrounds in the different states of South Africa have different barriers to larning ; hence, if the research workers in article two want to be able to take their findings and use th em to all Universities in South Africa, possibly random sampling is required, as non-random sampling, harmonizing to Bouma and Ling ( 2004 ) provides merely a weak footing for generalization. However, if the purpose of the writers was to look into a pedagogic attack to literacy development within the context of their local university as a footing for farther surveies within the broader South African context, so this sampling process would be able to supply equal informations as it used the full cohort of Science Access pupils at UKZN. Article one made usage of an action research design that investigated and evaluated a alteration in teaching method. Rose ( 2008 ) mentioned that the research workers were the agents presenting the alterations in teaching method. This type of research was good atoned to the aims of the research itself as it allowed the research worker to prosecute in brooding and automatic patterns ( Pring, 2006 ) . Furthermore, seeing as the research workers were more concerned with bettering an already neglecting standard signifier of academic literacy teaching method, the action research design was good suited to the end of the research, which was to research an improved educational pattern ( Pring, 2006 ) . Just like article two, the full cohort of pupils were given the option to partake in the survey but merely 25 opted to be portion of the research. Once once more, a non-random, inadvertent trying procedure was chosen but contrasting article one, article two clearly stated that the research fin dings were limited to one context and to be used at one University for the time-being.Consequences ( qualitative and quantitative ) , treatments and decisionsIt is assumed ( no explicit reference ) that article two made usage of both qualitative and quantitative informations as the trials required written work which so appears to hold been codified. However, no reference of this is given in the results/findings, nor any reference of how the codification was done Article two nowadayss their treatment of their findings in the signifier of an rating of the success of the scientific discipline communicating faculty. The writers are honorable and forthright in their statement sing the troubles they faced in mensurating the class ‘s success, due to the complexnesss of literacy development, which must be commended. However, their existent findings are obscure as a reference of an addition in public presentation by pupils in both the written and comprehension parts of the proving seem to belie a ulterior statement in the same sentence ( p458 ) . There could be a disagreement in the reading of pupils ( all pupils tested ) and most pupils ( non all pupils tested ) . Furthermore, four key jobs were outstanding within the findings. First, pupils are categorised into three different groups ( weakest, in-between and strongest ) . No reference or account is given as to how or why these groups were categorised. Second, table three provides a comparing of betterment. No indicant is given as to whether this is still the average tonss ( continued from table two ) or in fact, the average tonss. This could be important should the distribution of the tonss non be usually distributed. If the information was in fact skewed, than the average tonss would supply a better step of cardinal inclination. Third, inquiries arise with respects to the cogency and dependability of the tools of measuring. Field ( 2009 ) states that cogency and dependability are belongingss of measuring that aid guarantee measurement mistake is kept to a lower limit. In this peculiar article, issues of standard cogency influence the authorization of the findings. This is because the trials implemented may non really prove reading AND composing accomplis hments of scholars. Learners were being taught to read and compose big pieces of scientific authorship ( essays and studies ) but the trial implemented was proving an betterment of these accomplishments through the usage of MCQ ‘s ( Oklahoma for proving comprehension ) and short written undertakings. These composing undertakings required no more than 7-10 lines of written work which did non prove genre conventions acquired or the ability to compose longer texts. At the same clip, the entryway trials are pitched at a pre-university degree. Students, after one twelvemonth of explicit scaffolding where given a similar trial, still pitched at the pre-university degree, which inquiries whether a ‘learned-effect ‘ influenced betterment and non merely the intercession ( Arrow, 1962 ) . This brings to light issues of test-retest dependability ( Field, 2009 ) . Last, no existent trial statistics are given in the findings to state us whether the per centum of betterments ( 1 4 % ; 11 % and 5 % ) are statistically important in themselves. Therefore, they are strictly descriptive in the presentation. Article one is a batch clearer in footings of its research findings and consequences as it skillfully explains the measuring tool used to measure the authorship undertakings. Unlike article two, there does non look to be negative issues related to standard cogency as trials set out to mensurate the efficaciousness of the pedagogic attack step longer pieces of composing to prove composing accomplishments. The trials are farther authenticated by the usage of both qualitative and quantitative feedback. The consequences of both of these are really clearly laid out for the reader to position. Furthermore, the footing for the cryptography of the qualitative information was backed up by tested and tried methods used by the University of Sydney and research in the field of Linguistics. This allowed the rates of literacy betterment to be objectively measured. Article one besides ranked their research population into three separate groups but a description of how and why this was done was expr essed and allowed for greater apprehension than article two. Article one provided a much clearer description/discussion of its findings and offered possible motivation factors for countries that did non match to the overall tendency of patterned advance. This, together with neatly laid out tabular arraies and graphs of the information, let for higher degrees of assurance in the objectiveness of the action research. Furthermore, the findings of the action research were besides linked to suggestions of how to better literacy development amongst disadvantaged scholars across Australia. To reason, both article one and article two provide good illustrations of research in the field of literacy development. In add-on, they provide good theoretical accounts of how to, and how non to, describe on such findings. Both may hold differing strengths and failings, but still supply a good illustration of how to carry on valid and nonsubjective research. The analysis of the two articles have provided a good foundation for my ain research and have besides provided an chance for me to change my current research to supply more valid and dependable consequences.

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Sex Education And Sexual Education - 1253 Words

Would you rather have public schools teach sexual education classes, or teach abstinence education classes? Pregnancy rates in America are slowly decreasing, but are still extremely high. According to K. F. Stanger-Hall (2011), Pregnancy rates in America are more than double the rates of other countries with 72.2% per 1000 girls between the ages of 15-19 becoming pregnant. The best way to lower teen pregnancy is to teach about prevention in schools with sex education or abstinence classes. Teenagers need to learn about sex so that they will be prepared for life situations, know how to use contraception, and refrain from going through pregnancy before the teen is ready for a child. Sexual Education is more effective and is a better option to teach about. Sexual Education Sex education classes teach students about what sex is and how to have sex safely. This provides a comfortable place for teenagers to learn about safe sex without feeling embarrassed. Students need to learn about contraception, STDs, and how sex is healthy and normal. If the schools do not teach about sex, the students will learn about sex from other teenagers who do not know what they are talking about. According to J. Walker (2004), learning about sex in high school will prepare the teenagers that are going to have sex at that age anyways and also prepare the teenagers for when they are adults that are getting married. Abstinence would be effective, but not all students are going to abide by thisShow MoreRelatedSex Education And Sexual Education991 Words   |  4 PagesCountless avenues shape our knowledge of sex; whether its teachers, parents, media, or other sources. At some point most individuals receive an account of sex education. These lessons, connections, and knowledg e we acquire impact our ideas about sex. The subject of my interview, whom we’ll refer to as Jessica, was no exception. Jessica is a 21-year-old, who grew up in a small, conservative North Carolina town. The public schools she attended taught sex education from an abstinence perspective and usedRead MoreSex Education And Sexual Education884 Words   |  4 Pagesâ€Å"After a while, sex became a reality. It’s a lot harder to abstain when you’re actually in the moment, faced with that decision† (Stevens). Individuals encounter the reality of coming face to face with the temptations of intercourse; over time it becomes harder to sustain from joining the system. Students devour lust, but do not know how to control themselves and sex education provides substantial advice. With this in mind, sex education provides preparedness, answers questions, and creates awarenessRead MoreSexual Education And Sex Education1762 Words   |  8 Pagesimportance of sexual ed ucation and describe differences and similarities in some of the research done on this topic. Having sexual education available to youth is the key in reducing the number of unwanted situations in the sexual health of the individuals. Teaching adolescents about sex is beneficial because they become aware of consequence that might follow specific actions. This is a chance to ensure adolescents take safer routes when deciding to become sexually active. Youth sexual education has beenRead MoreSex Education And Sexual Education Essay1326 Words   |  6 Pagesalways affected the essence and teaching of sex education in the United States in different ways. Various sexual education methods exits, however comprehensive and abstinence-only programs are the most commonly know in public schools. Although many schools in the United States prefer to give an abstinence-only lecture, the results shown proof that these programs are ineffective because it simply does not fit the reality we live in , comprehensive sex education works better, and they do not offer honestRead MoreSexual Education And Sex Education1358 Words   |  6 PagesDo Not Have Sex, You Will Get Pregnant Die (Mean Girls) What if a rapist was coming at someone? Do kids know what to do besides lie on the ground and cry? What if a teenager had an unplanned pregnancy? Do they know their options about abortion or adoption or keeping the baby? Will young adults know the results of their choices? Sexual education teaches all of the following, and kids in the curriculum are more likely to defend themselves in a plot when they were approached by a stranger (â€Å"TeachingRead MoreSex Education And Sexual Education1632 Words   |  7 Pagessystems in the United states have been implementing sexual education into classrooms. Arguments are abundant when dealing with such fragile situations and there are many advantages and disadvantages of sexual education being taught in the public schools. It seems that most parents are either strongly for or against sex education classes, but there are a few parents that are on both sides. In fact, there are more parents that support sex education classes. However, there ar e pros and cons that mustRead MoreSex Education And Sexual Education1365 Words   |  6 PagesSex education is and always has been lacking in our country. An increase in sexual education would be greatly appreciated from almost everybody, especially with how high the sexually transmitted disease rate has raised in the past twenty years. Sex education can be used to teach young people how to have safe sex and show them the scary truths of sex that they are never taught otherwise. To lower STD rates and raise pregnancy awareness in younger people, schools and parents should be teaching childrenRead MoreSex Education And Sexual Education948 Words   |  4 Pagescomprehensive sex education taught in schools. One the other hand, the opponents believe that the reason for this decline is the sex education classes that teach about not having sex. Even when most schools are teaching abstinences only sex education about sixty-six percent of high school students says they are sexually active . Which concludes that the abstinences only sex education is not working and is not the proper way of teaching sex education in schools. Not teaching proper sex education may resultRead MoreSex Education And Comprehensive Sexual Education1609 Words   |  7 PagesLet s talk about sex. Stances on comprehensive sexual education vary, whether it be from religious beliefs or past experiences, different views are held throughout. It is in the interests of society in general... for every secondary school pupil to be in receipt of sexual education† (Cumper 16). The phrase ‘it’s better to be safe than sorry’ applies heavily on the topic of sex education, the idea of a pregnant and STD ridden 15 year old tends to frighten a million times more than the thought ofRead MoreSex Education : Comprehensive Sexual Education972 Words   |  4 PagesSex Education Comprehensive sexual education has long been a contentious issue within the United States of America. Owing largely to America’s history and culture, sexual education has long been stigmatized as unnecessary involvement in the private life, or even misattributed to rising rates of pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections. A U.S. review article, however, poses the opposite argument – â€Å"The overwhelming weight of evidence reveals that sex education which discusses contraception